“a professional’s FIRST CHOICE in exam training & preparation”

Refund Policy

  • Upon commencement of the training, Course Fees paid will not be refunded.
  • Refund will only be provided if a withdrawal request is received in writing 10 working days prior to Course start date.
  • In the event third party books and training materials have been pre‐ordered by, collected by, received by or delivered to the Student, the refund provided will be net of the cost of third party books and training materials.
  • Not attending Course does not entitle Student to a refund or Course deferral. Missed Course will be marked absent and considered as Course was taken. EDGE Education will not postpone, delay or defer Course due to non‐payment or non‐attendance.
  • A Student cannot postpone, delay or defer Course dates by talking to the instructor. Unless written approval from EDGE Education administration is obtained prior to postponement, delay or deferral.
  • EDGE Education reserves the right to deny course postponement, delay or deferral.
  • If a Course has been terminated by the discretion of EDGE management, refunds will be reasonably provided in full (excluding any fees paid to third parties for books). In this event, refunds will be distributed pro rata (based on number of classes attended).Refund requests received 5 working days prior to start of class: Full course fee refunded net of the cost of any third party books purchased on student’s behalf.

Refund requests received 2 working days prior to start of class: Full course fee refunded net of the cost of any third party books purchased on student’s behalf and net of AED 700 management fee.

Refund request received after start of classes up to the 3rd scheduled class: Full course fee refunded net of the cost of any third party books purchased on student’s behalf and net of AED 1,500 management fee.

Refund request received after start of classes: No refunds. Registration fee can be moved to the next course net of any classes missed or attended before formal request to withdraw. Re-attending classes will be charged pro-rata.

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